
Monday, August 29, 2016

Recap: This blog's 5 most popular posts

For those whom may be new to this blog, of course you can look at the sidebar to show popular posts as they change on a weekly basis, but I thought I would recap the 5 most popular posts I've published. Hopefully the content appeals to new readers as well.

Happy reading. Cheers!

Cool People Profile: Hazen Audel Originally posted July 22, 2010, providing information about my friend Hazen Audel. Since the post, he has become the host of National Geographic's "Primal Survivor" TV series (2 seasons).

50 Life-changing Trips (Men's Health August 2010) Originally posted on July 05, 2010, I found an interesting (but poorly constructed) article in Men's Health Magazine (August 2010 issue) suggesting "guy trips" that will change your life. I combed through the article and put everything into list format with appropriate links and estimated costs to complete each of the 50 trips, which are still as amazing today as when I first published then in 2010. I've nominally completed 9 of the trips. Note: The list shows 38 trips because several are combined by the magazine.

Japan Country Report Originally posted September 25, 2012, part of an ongoing series of travelogues to detail my personal impressions of countries that I've traveled to; in this case, Japan, one of my favorites.

Why Are Americans Afraid to Travel Overseas? Originally posted on July 20, 2010, I go through some statistics about how only perhaps 1 in 8 Americans has traveled overseas to a country other than Canada, Mexico, or in the Caribbean (all of which, until recently, didn't require a passport). I pose some challenges to American comfort zones and fear of the strange / exotic. That said, when Americans do go overseas, they tend to remember it and truly appreciate the experience. Solution: Travel more!

Geopolitics: Update 2010 Failed States Index Every year I look at the list put out by Foreign Policy Magazine and the Institute for Peace detailing the countries most likely to collapse politically, socially, and environmentally. Unfortunately, many of the "worst countries" on the list stay there year after year, proving that peace is hard won and hard to maintain.