
Monday, October 1, 2012

To all my recent Japanese visitors, Thank You!!! (Arigato Gozaimasu!!!) ^_^

I am writing this small note out of order from my usual posting, just because I made the observation that one of my posts about Japan became summarized and translated by a journalist and then posted in Japan, causing a lot of links recently to my blog posts on Japan.

For my Japanese friends (and Japanese language readers), here is the journalist's original post:
The original blog post of mine that caused the attention (also pushing me to the weekly top 1000 free blogs on ClustrMaps) is here: while another little post I made about what I think are my 10 best photographs from Japan is here:
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to all the new visitors and I hope that I didn't offend anyone with the small controversial note that I made (I could say many negative things about the United States or any country really)... I hope that the overall feeling of my blog is one of appreciation for Japan and a hope to go back again and again and to continue making new Japanese friends. Please visit the original blog post and leave comments (I've already replied to three people) and I hope to add more pictures for future Japanese trips sooner rather than later.

Cheers and thank you again. And now, to probably start studying the Japanese language again, because Google Translate isn't very good with Japanese. You'll see what I mean if you try to use Google Translate on the link to the journalist's article above.

-- Robert

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